Wealth Management Process

Our Proactive Portfolio Management investment process is a defensive strategy with an offensive mindset. Its first mandate is to strive to help protect investment principal against significant capital loss and drawdown. Next it looks to participate in the grander portion of potential market and sector upswings. Quantitative analysis is employed in our process to help uncover entry and exit points for each of our investment positions.
If viewed in the context of the broader market (S&P 500), looking back over the last 80 years (1929-2009), the market has increased in value 71% of the time, while losing value 29% of the time (based on annual returns). Due to the volatile nature of financial markets, we monitor our client portfolios regularly to make the adjustments that are necessary in their accounts.
Our proactive wealth management approach helps to reduce risk and potential losses in accounts, due to our sell discipline that is embedded in our investment management process. Our objective is to be on the offensive in rising markets and defensive in declining markets. This method of investing allows our clients to feel reassured that their investments are being carefully monitored, allowing them to focus on their most important things in life.
*Source: Morningstar, 2010. Indexes are unmanaged and cannot be invested in directly. Past performance does not guarantee future results. This is an example and is not representative of any investment or account. There is no way to determine the right time "to sit on the sidelines" or be invested in the market.